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The most advanced Office 365 reporting software for Security, Administration and Compliance needs

Provides incisive Analytics straight from your Desktop

Get complete visibility into everything that happens in your Office 365 cloud environment

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Exchange Online Reports for Office 365

Vyapin Exchange online reporting tool gives you comprehensive information about your Office 365 Users, Groups, Mailbox configuration, Mailbox Security, Mailbox Usage, Folders, Contacts, Mail Items, Public Folders. You can also get various statistics on Mailboxes and Mails to monitor and plan efficient utilization of Exchange Online.

Try Vyapin Exchange Online reporting tool now and get answers for important questions about your Exchange Online such as:

  • Who has access to do what on other mailboxes, what permissions have been granted?
    Mailbox security reports such as Mailbox Permissions Report, Non-owner mailbox access report and Shared mailbox access report give you the adequate information to face such questions from your Security auditors.
  • Which mailboxes have Send as and Send-on-behalf permissions configured? What are the mails that have been sent using Send-on-behalf?
    Send As and Send-on-behalf are tricky permissions to track down as different functional teams have these configured for various business reasons and do not remove them when not required. Sometimes these permissions may be permanently enabled in certain teams when working collaboratively (for example, a customer support team attending to mails coming to a common support mailbox). In such cases there may also be a need to get a report of all such mails sent, say, during a day or a week. Reports such as the Mailbox Permissions report, Send as and Send on behalf mails report are available to examine such mailboxes and mail items.
  • What is my volume of mail traffic on specific mailboxes?
    The ‘Mail Volume – Sent and Received’ report gives you the overall mail volume information broken up into different time periods.
  • Which mails have been sent to and received from external users?
    For reasons of security breaches in Office 365, information security personnel may review all external mails sent or received from a mailbox for a particular time period. The ‘Mails from External accounts’ report and ‘Mails to External accounts’ report generate the complete list of external mails for a mailbox.
  • Who are my Top senders and receivers?
    The tool allows you to generate several reports like the Top Senders by mail count report, Top Receivers by mail count report, Top Senders by attachment size report and Top Receivers by attachment size report.
  • How do I audit and monitor all aspects of my Exchange online?
    There are plenty of other important out-of-the-box Office 365 reports that you can find for your specific needs. Click here to know more.

SharePoint Online Reports for Office 365

Vyapin SharePoint Online reporting tool provides important information about Inventory, Security and Usage of your Office 365 content. You can get insights into how your Site collections, Sites, Lists and Libraries have been configured, their permissions and so on. You can get specific security reports that analyze your SharePoint Site Security Access Roles and rights by users/groups and by Sites and Lists. You can get reports on One Drive for Business and how users are using their One Drives.

Try Vyapin SharePoint Online reporting tool now and get answers for important questions about your SharePoint Online such as:

  • What kind of access has been granted to Documents and Libraries?
    Documents and Libraries are always shared with external and internal users in a collaborative platform like Office 365 SharePoint. From a security standpoint, most potential breaches start with access permissions that are not regulated. In order to streamline all access permissions to SharePoint online, you can use the effective permissions reports for sites, users & groups, lists, folders and list items that give you the detailed information assigned on the SharePoint objects namely, lists, folders and list items, with the level of permissions assigned and whether these permissions are assigned directly or through a SharePoint group.
  • Who have access to other OneDrive sites within Office 365?
    Similar to shared SharePoint content, One Drive for Business also needs to be monitored regularly for potential security threats. OneDrive User Permissions report shows the list of folders and files in all personal OneDrive sites to which a user has access to. It also shows the access rights of user accounts to folders and files of other users in their OneDrive sites.
  • Which Sites and OneDrive folders have compromised Security?
    The OneDrive Non-Owner Permissions report shows the list of users who are not owners but have access to the folders and files within the personal site of a particular user. It displays users with permissions assigned on folders and files of a personal OneDrive store. Another useful report is the OneDrive Permissions report that shows OneDrive site-based access rights. This report shows the list of users who have access to any particular OneDrive personal site within Office 365.
  • How is the SharePoint Online Usage in the organization?
    A full inventory of SharePoint Office 365 gives you reports on how your organization has structured its content for collaboration and how they are being used. The List, List Item and Site inventory reports gives you the detailed information about the lists, list items and sites that are available in your SharePoint online environment along with their usage details.
  • How do I audit, report and monitor other aspects of my SharePoint online?
    The tool offers several out-of-the-box reports for Office 365 SharePoint management and compliance. Click here to know more.

Office 365 User License Reports

When you provision/de-provision users in Office 365, you assign licenses based on the organizational role of the user. Since licenses are assigned at the level of each individual user, it is not easy to keep track of all user licenses, that is, who has been assigned which license plan and services, especially if there are a large number of users. Once you assign licenses, you need the ability to analyze Office 365 licenses using multiple criteria. Vyapin Office 365 License reports give you the ability to view license usage in multiple dimensions. You can report Office 365 licenses by Users, by license types (service types), by license count, by user roles, by user and group attributes and so on. They typical questions that are answered by Vyapin reporting tool are:

  • Who has been assigned what Office 365 licenses?
    The License type by users report and License type by users in Matrix format report show the list of licenses assigned for each user in your Organization, along with the list services enabled / disabled in the assigned license.
  • Are there users with/without the right type of license?
    A complete analysis of the Office 365 license reports allows you to understand license assignment based on the functional roles of users (based on their AD attributes) along with their group information. This helps you to determine if users are over licensed and if such licenses can be recycled and reassigned to other users who need them, saving you valuable licensing costs. The Users by license type report shows the list of licenses available for your Organization and list of users who have been assigned these licenses.
  • Are users with specific attributes carrying the correct licenses? Which licenses are really needed as per the roles of various users?
    You can generate Office 365 license reports based on various users by setting up search queries using Active Directory attributes of users. The report will show you precise information on which category of users carry what licenses. Once you understand the various licenses assigned based on user attributes, you can manage these licenses by setting up rules. The rules let you automatically assign or remove office 365 licenses for users who match various attribute criteria.
  • How many Office 365 licenses are freely available and how many have been put to use?
    The Office 365 Organization license report gives you detailed information about the list of licenses for your organization with available and used license units.

Benefits of Vyapin Office 365 Reporting tool

When it comes to cloud, organizations first evaluate the security implications before analyzing other potential benefits. After migrating to Office 365, administrators routinely audit office 365 security threats in order to take actions to remove or mitigate them. Office 365 reports answer a variety of questions related to configuration, permissions, rights management and user management that can cause security vulnerabilities. You can comprehensively analyze how Office 365 management will have an impact over security across your entire office 365 environment, such as non-owner access to other mailboxes and access to the shared mailboxes. You can also analyze user permissions assigned to sharepoint online content and one drive folders and files. Administrators can then secure their organization’s Office 365 online content and prevent content leaks by auditing unauthorized access to your office 365 documents. For example, you can audit permissions to onedrive personal sites, sharepoint sites, lists, list items etc.

The reports also help you to plan and manage office 365 license usage and thus saving on licensing costs and providing only the right mix of licenses to users. By assigning Office 365 licenses to each end user and without proper planning and recycling of user licenses, an organization can potentially lose a significant amount of money in unwanted licensing.

By using various features in our Office 365 reporting tool, reports for each tenant can be run straight out of the box without running power shell scripts and writing custom code. From a configuration, usage and optimization standpoint, these reports help you to audit and manage your entire Office 365 cloud environment and provide better planning, management and troubleshooting.

Know more about the importance of auditing and reporting your Office 365 environment by reading our blog Part 1 & Part 2.

Office 365 Mail Analytics

Vyapin Office 365 Mail Analytics tool is the most advanced usage analysis solution for your Office 365 exchange online and answers important questions about the usage of your Office 365 such as:

  • Who is sending and receiving the most number of mails during a day, week or month?
  • What is the mail traffic (sent and received) for each mailbox?
  • What is the average mail traffic for a given time period?
  • What are the mail response times of users?
  • Who has responded to which mail in specific mailboxes?
  • What is the usage activity of Distribution groups?
  • What are the top mailboxes by mail count, size and attachments?
  • What is the average mail traffic by Day, week, month or year?
  • What is the mail usage pattern across the organization? Which department/group sends and receives the most mails?

The mail analytics tools generates a variety of reports and charts about Mail Volume, Mail Size, Mail Attachment, Mail Conversation and Provisioning Summary for your Office 365. Vyapin Mail Analytics reports helps you analyze your organization’s Office 365 Exchange and get deep insights on Usage, Growth and Performance.

Mail Traffic Reports

Mail Traffic report displays the total count of Inbound and Outbound mail items categorized by Subject, Size, Keywords, Read and Unread Mails, Importance Mails for the selected Mailbox.

Mail traffic can be analyzed for any specific time period (Today, Yesterday, Last 7 days, Last Week, This Week, Last Month, This Month, Custom dates) and the reports can be summarized into different intervals of time – hour of day, day of week, day, week etc.

Important statistics such as total mail count can be viewed on Subject keywords, Body keywords, Size, Read/Unread mail count, Importance count on multiple mailboxes. You can also generate statistics for specific subject and Body keywords along with the mail Size information. For example, you can determine the mail volume distribution across different mail size ranges such as mails Less than 50KB, 50KB – 250KB, 250 – 500KB, 500KB – 1 MB, Greater than 1 MB etc.

Mail Size Reports

This report provides a summary based on the size of mail items and can be filtered for specific subjects or keywords for the selected Mailbox. This helps determine the storage requirements for mailboxes based on user roles in the organization.

Attachment based reports

This report displays the total volume of mail items based on attachments - Attachment mail by Subject, Attachment mail by File Name, Attachment mail by File Type and Attachment mail by File Size. This set of reports helps you easily identify the volume of mail items based on different categories of mail attachments. You can filter out the mail items based on attachment by file name, attachment by file size and attachment by file type like PDF files, Image files, Office files, ZIP files etc.

Provisioning Summary

Displays the chart view for the Office 365 Users, Groups, Distribution Groups, Security Groups, Mailbox, Shared Mailbox and Public Folders based on their Created dates. This report helps you get an insight into the rate of provisioning users, groups, mailbox and public folders based on their created dates within a specified date period (Last 7 days, Last Week, This Week, Last Month, This Month, Last 3 Months, Last 6 Months and Custom dates) and the data can be summarized into different time intervals – day, week, day of week, month, year, month of year.

Conversation – Mail Content Analysis

Conversations are subject based mail items and the reports under Conversation are used to search for mails based on the mail subject/title and to find the response time to reply to mails. A detailed information on conversation such as when a first response was made, response time for each mail item within a conversation thread, details of the last response and other conversation attributes are found in Conversation reports. The reports related to conversation are:

Response Time Report for Mailboxes and Distribution Groups

This report details the response time of each individual mailbox's mail items with options to exclude or include weekends and holidays. A Response Time Summary for each conversation such as which user responded first and last, shortest time to respond, longest time to respond, who sent the mail, when the mail arrived along with other information are displayed with options to drill down to the actual details of each mail.

Conversation Search

This report is used to search for mail items based on subjects of the mails. You can perform extensive search based on subjects and keywords within mails and bring up conversations and associated mail items. This report will be very useful for content examination and analysis in project management and forensic investigation of emails.

Audit and Compliance Reports

Ever wondered who had deleted or checked out a document or who had assigned the license to a user or who had added or removed members from group or who had downloaded some sensitive documents recently? Audit and Compliance Reports module in Vyapin Office 365 Management Suite helps you track down and monitor critical activities in your cloud environment and answers important questions about Security and Usage of your Office 365 such as,

  • Who has modified site permissions in SharePoint Online site and what permissions have been modified?
  • What are the files / folders have been recently added / deleted / modified / uploaded / downloaded from SharePoint Online sites recently?
  • Who are users / groups have been added / removed from your Office 365 tenant recently?
  • Who are the group members added / removed from groups recently?
  • What are password changes / user license changes that have occurred?
  • Information about user login activity, failed login activities and user account which are locked due to multiple failed logins

The Audit and Compliance Reports module carries a variety of built-in reports and charts about File and Folder events, Sharing and Access Request activities, Site Administration, Exchange Mailbox Events, User Administration, Group Administration and Role Administration. You can also apply custom queries on activity events and generate custom reports unique to your organization.

File and Folder Activity Reports:

File and Folder events displays information about the list of file events that has occurred in your SharePoint Online sites like recent file check-in and check-outs, recently copied / moved files, recently downloaded / uploaded files, recently accessed / modified files, and top users who have performed file activities recently.

Sharing and Access Request Activities:

Sharing and Access Request activities display event information about the created / accepted access requests to access the SharePoint Online sites, created / accepted Sharing invitations, created / used anonymous links etc.

Site Administration Reports – Security, Users, Groups and Content activities:

Site Administration reports display event information about the recently created / deleted / updated groups, added site collection administrator access, created site collections, modified site permissions, recently added / removed users from a SharePoint group etc.

Exchange Mailbox Activities – Security and Mail traffic activities:

Exchange Mailbox reports display event information about user sign-in events, mails sent using the Send As and Send on behalf permissions etc.

User Administration – Password Changes, User Login and Account activities:

User Administration reports display event information about recently added / deleted users from tenant, recent password and license changes, user login activity, failed login activity, user account locked activity due to multiple failed logins etc.

Group Administration:

Group Administration reports display event information about recently added / removed groups, recently added / removed members from groups etc.

Role Administration:

Role Administration reports display event information about recent changes to Roles like adding / removing roles for a user etc.

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