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Security Management
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Security Management

Security Reporting

Active Directory Security Reporting - Perform a complete AD Security Audit and determine who has access to what in your Active Directory by reporting every object and its security in detail. More importantly, determine who can perform what critical administrative actions such as deleting members of an OU, modifying permissions etc. Search your Active Directory for Inactive, Disabled, Expired and Unknown Accounts and see where and how they compromise security.

Active Directory Group Membership Reporting - Determine the impact of indirect group memberships, especially membership of Security groups (instead of just finding out who the members of your Security groups are).

Active Directory Nested Group Membership Reporting - Generate the most comprehensive report on Active Directory Users and Groups information, including complex nested groups and multi-group memberships. ARKAD’s in-depth user/group membership report includes all the groups that a user is member of across the entire AD organization (and not just the groups within one domain).

Active Directory User Reporting - Identify and report on all control related aspects of User account management – report on Password Expiry, Password setting, last logon etc.

Read more about ARK for Active Directory

Change Tracking

Take control of your Active Directory Change management. Tracking and recording changes for compliance and regulatory purposes requires a thorough audit of all changes made to your Active Directory. Along with reporting changes to Active Directory objects, you need to report on changes made to GPO too.

Identify and track all critical changes. Determine what changes are critical and important for your organization and get all changes to AD tracked, reported and archived for later use.

Answer important questions on changes that impact that the security of your network.

Active Directory Change Tracker allows you to track all critical changes made to your Active Directory.

Read more about Active Directory Change Tracker