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Vyapin Virtualization Management Suite enables you to manage your Hyper-V based virtual machines from a central desktop application. The application allows you to audit and report Virtual machines and Hosts across your network. You can periodically check for VM sprawl (uncontrolled/unplanned growth of VMs) by discovering all the VMs in your network and identifying active, inactive and infrequently used VMs. You can then perform insightful actions to optimize and govern your VM infrastructure better.

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View the status and configuration of multiple Hyper-V VMs in a single report.

Monitor the Health of multiple VMs in a single view and store the data as long-term history for future workload analysis

Provision VMs in a planned and consistent manner – enables you to allocate, distribute and utilize resources and manage VM workloads better.

Create reusable configuration templates for grouping VMs based on their functions – for example, all testing VMs and development VMs may be configured differently but the configurations can be saved for reuse later.

Identify VM sprawl – Remove and recycle all unwanted VMs.

Prevent VM sprawls by allowing only designated users to use the application and create VMs.

Maintain a long-term history all provisioned VMs.