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Office365 Solutions
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Office365 Solutions

Now that you are on Office 365, do you have the same reporting tools and resources to manage your office 365 environment, gain insights and control everything like how it used to be in your on-premises infrastructure? If you feel a bit lost, you are not alone. You now need a completely new set of Office 365 exchange online reporting tools and analytics to maintain and control your entire set of Office 365 reporting services you have subscribed to.

First off, you need to get reports on how your Office 365 exchange online is being put to use. Remember that you are paying for all your office 365 licenses and their usage needs to be monitored and analyzed regularly to prevent office 365 usage costs from spiraling beyond control. The size and growth of your mailboxes need frequent attention. You will continue to feel the need for how exactly your users are using the Office 365 services that they have been granted access to.

Vyapin’s Office 365 Reporting Tool is a complete and powerful reporting solution to meet all the reporting needs of your Office 365 enterprise.

Office 365 Management and Governance Reports

Office 365 Exchange Online Reporting

Office 365 SharePoint Online Reporting

Read more about Office 365 Reports