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Server Audit
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Server Audit

Microsoft Exchange Server is most likely one of the most business-critical and complex systems to manage in your organization. Exchange Administrators spend a fair amount of time creating and managing storage groups and stores, recipient objects, public folders, configuring SMTP, message routing, Internet protocols, instant messaging etc. while at the same time also monitoring the health of the Exchange Server. With so many Exchange object information changing frequently at different times, it is important to track and document the recent changes in the Exchange Organization.

Our Exchange Management solution addresses the critical functions of auditing and reporting Exchange objects' configuration settings, usage and security, and server configuration. Our solution allows you to audit, track and monitor several hundreds of configuration variables in your Exchange Server & Active Directory network.

The reporting solution reads Exchange object information across the entire Exchange Organization from any remote location, when the Exchange Organization is logically and physically grouped together.

Since Microsoft Exchange Server is tightly integrated Microsoft Windows Server and Active Directory framework, our Windows Management solutions will also be very useful to manage an Exchange Organization.

ARKES also reads Exchange Server Message Tracking Log data from Exchange log files across the entire Exchange Organization.

Exchange Message Log Reporter reports on different types of Mail Transactions as well as Mail Status. You can specify report filter criteria to view reports on Sender Mails, Recipients mails, Distribution groups/lists etc. across Exchange mail users in the Exchange Organization. The reports can be generated for the Exchange Organization and Administrative Group based on the message tracking logs that are stored in your Exchange Server message tracking transport logs.

The following information fields are available across the Exchange Servers in the Exchange Organization: Mail transaction Date & Time, Client IP, Client Host Name, Server IP, Server Host Name, Source Context, Connector ID, Source, Event ID, Internal Message ID, Message ID, Recipient Address, Recipient Status, Total Bytes, Recipient Count, Related Recipient Address, Reference, Message Subject, Sender Address, Return Path, Message Info, Directionality, Tenant ID, Original Client IP and Original Server IP.

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