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What are the System Requirements for installing ARKIIS?

Please note the following System Requirements for installing ARKIIS:

Disk space: 20 MB free disk space
Others: Microsoft Data Access Components (MDAC) v2.1/2.5/2.6/2.8 only.

How do I connect to a remote IIS Server?

You can connect to the remote IIS Server using the Connect feature in ARKIIS.

ARKIIS connects to the IIS machine using the currently logged on user context. ARKIIS expects the currently logged on user to have administrative privileges in the target IIS Server to connect and generate the reports.

Using ARKIIS Schedule feature, a scheduled task can be created and made to run in a user context which has administrative privileges on the remote machine. You may print/export the output to a CSV/MDB/HTML file.

The application error log file 'ARKIISLog.log' is gradually increasing in size. Can I delete it?

Yes, you may delete this error log file.

ARKIIS generates an error log file in the application path "C:\Program Files\ARKIIS\Log" The error log file tends to become large in size over a period of time especially if the application meets with frequent error conditions. The application does an "append" to the error log each time it runs. This is required for diagnostic purposes during trouble shooting. You may delete the error log file periodically.

How does the Log Analysis tool work with IIS log files?

The Log Analysis tool in ARKIIS parses the log files under the specified log file directory of the Web sites and FTP sites. This tool requires log files to be available and logging to be enabled to generate log files. The Enable Logging option and the Log file directory for each Web and FTP site can be modified in property sheet of the Web / FTP site through IIS MMC.

For example, default logfile path is "C:\WINDOWS\system32\Logfiles"