SharePoint Solutions
Office 365 Solutions
Easily setup a migration job using simple drag-n-drop operations.
Migrate large volume of content and properties from previous SharePoint versions and network file shares to Office 365 at high speed.
Migrate content in bulk from user's file share to their respective OneDrive for Business locations in a single migration task.
Migrate NTFS permissions to Office 365/SharePoint Online with Domain Mapping, User Mapping and Permission Mapping settings.
Migrate or upgrade site collections, sub-sites, lists, libraries and their content along with associated metadata, permissions, views, alerts, web parts (association only), workflows, content types, columns and custom ASPX pages.
Schedule your migration to commence at off-peak time or scheduled intervals.
Dockit 365 Migrator allows you to migrate content from the batch file (MS-Excel format) to SharePoint Online.
Validate settings when migrating documents and metadata to SharePoint Online libraries / lists by performing a test run to minimize errors during a migration.