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SPListX for SharePoint
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SPListX for SharePoint

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Version 7.16.1

  • Fixed to export the contents of a list completely, when it more than 2000 files. Previously, Out of memory exception occurred and the application failed to export files after 2000 files.
  • Fixed to report Completed successfully in activity log when exporting a site with each list having different set of columns.

Version 7.16

  • Reduced initial SharePoint connection time during export task run.
  • Fixed to export correctly when using Latest version only and Since Last Export in SPListX option in Export condition.
  • Handled to open the exported XML metadata file with non-printable character(s) present as part of metadata, by encoding them.

Version 7.15

  • Provision to export ASPX page content as MHT file.
  • Performance improvement while exporting versions modified in a specific date range.
  • Performance improvement in incremental export (Since last export using SPListX).
  • Provision to export Get a link metadata of a folder/file.
  • Enhanced to report item / folder / file in task activity log, if the application fails to read them from source SharePoint.
  • Fixed to export the correct Modified By value for each version (other than the latest version) in the metadata file. Previously, System Account is reported randomly for all previous versions for certain files.
  • Corrected to report the exact Append-Only Comments column value, instead of exporting empty value.

Version 7.14

  • Export permissions for SharePoint 2003 and SharePoint 2007 servers.
  • Fixed an Out of memory error when exporting site which contains more than 2,000 sub-sites and more than 5,000 users.

Version 7.13.1

  • Fixed the incorrect attachment export path in the metadata file when exporting a list that contains more than 1,000 items.
  • Fixed export locations with special characters (like &) in the metadata file.
  • Fix for swapped Permission and Inheritance column values in the metadata file, if the user selected to export inheritance status.
  • Fixed to export columns with period (.) in Excel metadata file. Previously, SPListX replaced a period with underscore.
  • Fixed to export Issue ID column for Issue list when exporting all or selected columns.

Version 7.13

Version 7.12

Version 7.11

Version 7.10

Version 7.9

Version 7.8

Version 7.7

Version 7.6

Version 7.5.1

Version 7.5

Version 7.4

Version 7.3.1

Version 7.3

Version 7.2

Version 7.1

Version 7.0.2

Version 7.0.1

Version 7.0

Version 6.0