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ARK for Windows Enterprise
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ARK for Windows Enterprise

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What resources does ARKWE report?

ARKWE reports about the following resources from a Windows Server: User accounts & Privileges, Policies, Security, Events, Services, Installed applications and General resources such as Shares, Disk Storage, Printers and Hardware information.

The application error log file "ARKWEErrorLog.Log" is gradually increasing in size. Can I delete it?

Yes, you may delete this error log file. ARKWE generates an error log file in the common application data path. The error log file tends to increase in size over a period of time especially if the application meets with frequent error conditions. The application does an "append" to the error log each time it runs. This is required for diagnostic purposes during trouble shooting. You may delete the error log file periodically.

What user credentials does ARKWE use to connect to a domain/server?

What permissions or privileges are required to view information about a Windows server on the network?

To view information about a Windows Server on the network, the currently logged on user or the user credentials specified must:

What Services and Settings does ARKWE require on a local or remote computer in order to collect data?

To generate reports for domains and the corresponding member servers, ensure the following settings are set appropriately:

Why are Version number,Publisher,Readme and Path fields missing in some of the Installed applications in the 'Applications Installed' Report?

ARKWE uses the Registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/Software/Microsoft/Windows/CurrentVersion/Uninstall key to enumerate the list of installed applications. The Display name, Version number,Publisher,Readme and the InstallLocation are taken from this Uninstall subkey. For various reasons, the version number,Publisher,Readme and the InstallLocation may not be set by the applications when they are getting installed. In such cases these are reported as Empty column values in ARKWE.

Similarly, the Installation date is reported using the date of the registry entry under the Uninstall key.

How do you refresh the data for the selected domain/server?

ARKWE stores the data in the application database once it gathers the data for the selected domain/server for the first time. ARKWE displays data from the local data store until the data is refreshed.

To “Refresh/Redo” data, press F5 or click ‘Refresh Data’ from the menu/toolbar.

Unable to find certain servers in the list.

Click the Refresh menu in the toolbar and select 'Refresh Domains...' to refresh

I get the message "Unable to collect ..."

This message pops up when you do not have access to the requested data or the data may be unavailable in the destination domain/server. Ensure that the current user context has sufficient privileges to read the requested information from the domain/server.

Why am I unable to view all the fields in a report?

ARKWE allows the users to customize report views using the ‘Customize’ tool. The ‘Customize’ tool maintains the fields displayed in a report for each domain/server. Check whether ‘customize icon’ is displayed at the left bottom of your screen status bar. If so, you may have used the customize tool and selected the fields to display. The customized fields will be stored and used even when the application is closed and re-opened.

Why am I unable to view all the data for selected domain/server?

How can I maintain a favorite list of computers from version 6.2?

You can maintain a "named" favorite list of computers by using the Scan Profiles feature. The Scan Profiles feature allows you to create user-defined profiles for repeated use to scan a subset of computers in the network. The Scan Profiles feature is available under Tools menu.

Why do I get "RPC server unavailable" error while running System Info reports?

The System Info feature uses WMI to collect report data. WMI is affected by Windows Firewall which blocks unsolicited incoming traffic. To resolve this issue, ensure that Remote Administration permission is enabled in the Domain Group Policy. To enable Remote Administration permission in the Domain Group Policy follow the steps outlined below:

I need to scan the entire domain to collect system information using System Info feature. What preparatory steps do I need to perform before I generate System Info reports?

The System Info feature uses WMI to collect report data. Before you generate System Info reports for a domain, please ensure the following settings are set appropriately:

Why do I get the message "The specified domain does not exist. Specify a valid domain name." while adding/editing/connecting to a domain?

When the enumeration settings option is set to 'Use ADSI'. ARKWE uses ADSI for enumerating servers present in a domain. During this process, ARKWE tries to connect to the Active Directory Server (Domain Controller) of the specified domain internally. If ARKWE is unable to find the domain controller for the selected domain, it will display the corresponding message. The following may be one of the reasons for such scenario: