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ARK for Active Directory
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ARK for Active Directory

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  • Active Directory reports out-of-the-box

    Built-in Active Directory Reports

    Provides more than 100 AD reports out-of-the-box to retrieve useful, frequently accessed information across Active Directory.

    Gather insights into how your AD is functioning
  • Search for Active Directory permissions using Admin Report Kit for Active Directory

    Active Directory Search

    The Power Search tool allows the user to search on (A) specific security permission(s) assigned to Active Directory objects and (B) specific attributes on Accounts. The features cover every security permission and Account attribute defined in the domain controller's schema.

    Powerful search feature to sift through domain controller based on ACE or AD attributes
  • Active Directory reports using LDAP queries

    LDAP Reports (Custom LDAP Queries)

    Allows the user to create their own Quick Reports to search only the specified domain partition, and searches can be narrowed down to a single container/OU object. Users can also specify their own LDAP queries.

    Monitor specific AD objects through custom queries
  • Customizing your Active Directory reports when audting your Active Directory

    Custom Reports

    Create your own reports with custom selected fields and report criteria.

    Create custom AD reports with specific report fields and data filters of your choice
  • Active Directory Dashboard Summary

    Active Directory Summary Reports

    Provides overall count information along with sub-totals on various objects in an Active Directory Domain like Total no of Users, Computers, Groups, OUs in a Domain / Organizational Unit(s), Total no of computers running in Windows 7 etc.

    Summary information about your AD infrastructure
  • Active Directory Statistics Reporting tool

    Insight AD reports

    Reports the Summary and Detailed information based on "frequency of occurrence (Counts)".

    Summary and detailed information about AD
  • Active Directory reporting tool - Vyapin Admin Report Kit for Active Directory

    Quick AD Reports

    Allows you to extract specific targeted information very quickly from an Active Directory Domain and you can also create your own custom queries. Useful for quick and repeated use.

    Gather specific details on AD Objects quickly
  • Active Directory reporting - extracting only the relevant data

    Quick Filter

    Allows you to quickly filter data based on search strings and dates. Wildcard characters may be applied. For example, all rows of data pertaining to "Administrators" may be filtered by a simple string filter “*admin*” across all fields or a single field. A simple string filter using "Full Control" as the search string will display all objects having "Full Control" permission.

    Filter data of your choice using the query interface
  • filter Active Directory reports

    Advanced Filter

    Allows the user to select columns to display, perform advanced query based filtering using Field names and their values and Save the filter configuration for future use. Selecting and applying a saved filter will apply the filter and directly produce the desired subset of data.

    Create search queries with multiple parameters for in-depth search
  • search for important attributes in your Active directory Reports


    A simple string-based Find operation highlights all cells containing the string. Especially useful in determining string occurrences and their frequencies with respect to the entire displayed set of data. For example, highlight all users having "Full Control" permission in the displayed list of users and their permissions.

    Enter a string to search in the report
  • Scheduling your Active Directory reports

    Schedule and Export Reports using the Power Export Wizard

    Flexible Export feature to export reports from ARKAD to reports to HTML / CSV / XLSX file format. Reports may be scheduled for export at different intervals of time – daily, monthly, weekly etc.

    Export the reports to multiple file formats and schedule the reports to run at periodic intervals
  • Emailing Active Directory reports

    Automatically send reports through e-mail

    E-mail reports to various users in the organization.

    Email reports to designated users
  • Active Directory Reporting - compare Active Directory objects and atttributes from different time periods

    Compare Reports

    Allows the user to compare the reports generated using ARKAD and reports the difference between them.

    Compare reports generated by ARKAD to track changes to various AD objects
  • Azure AD reports

    Azure AD reports

    Allow user to view Azure AD reports with detailed views of users, Groups, Contacts, Tenant Information, Audit Logs, Domains and Roles.

    Azure AD Reports
  • Azure audit logs

    Azure Audit Logs

    Create your own reports with custom activities like user Logon event, Added user, updated users, Assign role to user, Failed logon user etc. that occurs in Azure AD. Save the report under Audit Log by checking the Save this report (optional) for future use.

    Azure Audit Logs