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ARK for Active Directory
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ARK for Active Directory

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Name Description
List of all the Domains in a Forest and DCs in those Domains Displays the list of all the Domains in a forest.
Whether the Domains in a forest are in Mixed Mode or Native Mode Determines Whether the Domains in a forest are in Mixed Mode or Native Mode.
List of all the Domains in a Forest and their trust relationship details Displays the list of the Domains in a forest and their trust relationship details.

Organizational Units

Name Description
Recently created OUs Displays the OUs that were created in a specified time period.
Recently modified OUs Displays the list of OUs that were modified in a specified time period.
Recently Deleted OUs Displays the list of OUs that were deleted in a specified time period.
OUs with members and their details Displays the list of OUs with all members and their details.
OUs that have no members Displays the list of OUs that are empty.
OUs that have more than N members Displays the list of OUs that have more than the specified number of members.
OUs that have less than N members Displays the list of OUs that have number of members less than the specified number.
OUs that have another OU Displays the list of OUs that have another OU.
OUs with only User members Displays the list of OUs and their User members.
OUs with only Computer members Displays the list of OUs and their Computer members.

Computer Accounts

Name Description
Recently created computers Displays the list of computers that were created in a specified time period.
Recently modified computers Displays the list of computers that were modified in a specified time period.
Recently Deleted computers Displays the list of computers that were deleted in a specified time period.
Disabled computers Displays the list of disabled computer accounts.
Domain Controllers Displays the list of domain controllers.
List of Read-Only Domain Controllers Displays the list of Read-Only Domain Controllers
Workstations and servers Displays the list of both workstations and servers.
List of Computers in an OU Displays the list of computer accounts in an OU
Computers trusted for delegation Displays the list of computer accounts trusted for delegation.
List of Computer Accounts and their Operating Systems Display list of computer accounts and their operating systems.
List of Managed Computers Displays the list of computer accounts that are managed.
List of Unmanaged computers Displays the list of computer accounts that are not managed by anyone.
Deleted Computers Displays the list of computers whose accounts are deleted from AD.


Name Description
Recently created users Displays the list of user accounts that were created in a specified time period.
Recently modified users Displays the list of user accounts that were modified in a specified time period.
Recently deleted users Displays the list of user accounts that were deleted in a specified time period.
Users required to change their password at next logon Displays the list of user accounts whose password has expired and are required to change their password at next logon.
Users who cannot change their password Displays the list of user accounts who cannot change their password.
Users whose password never expires Displays the list of user accounts whose password never expires.
User accounts whose password expires in the time period Displays the list of user accounts whose password expires in the specified time period.
Active User accounts Displays the list of user accounts that are active.
List of Users in an OU Displays the list of Users in an OU.
Disabled user accounts Displays the list of user accounts that are disabled.
Locked out user accounts Displays the list of user accounts that are locked out.
User accounts that expire Displays the list of user accounts that are set to expire.
User accounts that expire in the time period Displays the list of user accounts that expire in the specified time period.
Users whose password is stored using reversible encryption Displays the list of users whose password is stored using reversible encryption.
User accounts that are required to use Smart card for interactive logon Displays the list of users that are required to use Smart card for logon.
User accounts that are trusted for delegation Displays the list of user accounts that are trusted for delegation.
User accounts that are sensitive and cannot be delegated Displays the list of user accounts that are sensitive and cannot be delegated.
User accounts that use DES encryption types for keys Displays the list of user accounts that use DES encryption types for keys.
User accounts that do not require Kerberos pre-authentication for logging on Displays the list of user accounts that do not require Kerberos pre-authentication for logging on.
Users who are member of more than N groups Displays the list of user accounts that are member of more than the specified number of groups.
Users who have NOT logged on recently Displays the list of users who have NOT logged on in a specified time period.
Users who have logged on recently Displays the list of users who have logged on in a specified time period.
Users Dial-in permissions Displays the list of users and their Dial-in permissions.
Users and their last Logon faliure details Displays the list of users and their last Logon faliure details.
Users Logon Workstations Displays the list of user and their Logon to workstations.
Users and their dates of last password change Displays the list of Users and their dates of last password change.
Users who are in Memberof Administrators Group Displays the list of users who are in 'Administrators' group.
Users who are in Memberof Domain Admins Displays the list of users who are in 'Domain Admins' group.
Users who are in Memberof Enterprise Admins Displays the list of users who are in 'Enterprise Admins' group.
List of users having Manager Displays the list of users who have manager assigned.
Users without Managers Displays the list of users who do not have manager assigned.
List of Manager based Users Displays the list of users acting as managers.
Dial-in Allowed Users Displays the list of users who have Dial-in allowed permissions.
Dial-in Denied Users Displays the list of users who have Dial-in denied permissions.
Users with logon script Displays the list of users who have logon script.
Users without logon script Displays the list of users who do not have logon script.
Deleted Users Displays the list of users whose accounts are deleted from AD.


Name Description
Recently created groups Displays the list of groups that were created in a specified time period and their details.
Recently modified groups Displays the list of groups that were modified in a specified time period and their details.
Recently deleted groups Displays the list of groups that were deleted in a specified time period and their details.
Groups that have no members Displays the list of groups that are empty and their details.
Groups that have more than N members Displays the list of groups that have more than the specified number of members and their details.
Groups that have less than N members Displays the list of groups that have number of members less than the specified number and their details.
Groups that are not a member of any other group Displays the list of groups that are not a member in any group and their details.
Groups that are member of more than N groups Displays the list of groups that are a member in more than the specified number of groups and their details.
Universal groups Displays the list of universal groups and their details.
Global groups Displays the list of global groups and their details.
Domain local groups Displays the list of domain local groups and their details.
Distribution groups Displays the list of distribution groups and their details.
Security groups Displays the list of security groups and their details.
List of groups in an OU Displays the list of groups in an OU.
Groups with only User accounts Displays the list of groups with only User accounts.
Groups with only Computer accounts Displays the list of groups with only Computer accounts.
Members of Administrators group Displays the list of groups who are in 'Administrators' group.
Members of Domain Admins group Displays the list of groups who are in 'Domain Admins' group.
Members of Enterprise Admins group Displays the list of groups who are in 'Enterprise Admins' group.
List of Managed Groups Displays the list of groups that are managed.
List of Unmanaged Groups Displays the list of groups that are not managed by anyone.
Nested Groups that form a loop Displays the list of nested groups that are cyclical in nature.
Nested Groups Displays the list of nested groups.
Deleted Groups Displays the list of groups that are deleted from AD.

Group Policy Objects

Recently Created GPOs Displays the list of GPOs that were created in a specified time period.
Recently Modified GPOs Displays the list of GPOs that were modified in a specified time period.
GPOs that are Linked to OUs Displays the list of GPOs that are Linked to OUs.
GPOs that are Linked to Domains Displays the list of GPOs that are Linked to Domains.
GPOs that are Linked to Sites Displays the list of GPOs that are Linked to Sites.
Block Policy Inheritance enabled OUs Displays the list of OUs with Block Policy Inheritance enabled.
Block Policy Inheritance enabled Domains Displays the list of Domains with Block Policy Inheritance enabled.
Enforced GPOs Displays the list of Enforced GPOs.
User Configuration Settings enabled GPOs Displays the list of GPOs with User Configuration Settings enabled.
Computer Configuration Settings enabled GPOs Displays the list of GPOs with Computer Configuration Settings enabled.
List of Disabled GPOs Displays the list of GPOs that are disabled.
List of Unused GPOs Displays the list of GPOs that are unused.


Name Description
List of all the Sites in a Forest Displays the list of all the Sites in a forest.


Name Description
List of Contacts having Manager Displays the list of contacts who have manager assigned.
Contacts without Managers Displays the list of contacts who do not have manager assigned.
List of Manager based Contacts Displays the list of contacts acting as managers.
List of Contacts who are members of other Groups Displays the list of contacts that are member of a group.
List of Contacts who are not a member of any other Group Displays the list of contacts that are not member of any group.
Deleted Contacts Displays the list of contacts that are deleted from AD.

Azure AD Reports

Name Description
Azure AD Users Displays User information and their actions performed on the selected tenant.
Azure AD Groups Displays Group information available under given tenant.
Azure AD contacts Displays all the Contact details from the selected tenant.
Azure AD Domains Facilitates searching Azure AD Domains from a given tenant.
Azure AD Roles Provides the list of roles available under the domain and roles that are assigned for the users.
Tenant Information Allows user to view Company information and Partner information from a given tenant.
Audit Log User-defined reports for viewing action performed under Azure AD across users, Groups, Domain etc.