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ARK for Exchange Server
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ARK for Exchange Server

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  • exchange server connections

    Remote connectivity

    Connect to an Exchange Server and Directory Server in your enterprise network using the Configuration Settings, which enables a user to connect and store the Exchange Servers and Directory Servers in the organization. ARKES additionally provides the ability to specify any user credential with sufficient permissions to connect to the Exchange Server and Directory Server, other than the currently-logged-on-user. You do not have to install any data collection agent in the Exchange Server or Directory Server.

    Connect to a remote Directory Server with given login credentials
  • exchange report types

    Built-in Reports

    ARKES provides several out-of-the-box reports across Exchange Organization Sites / Administrative Groups / Servers in the enterprise network. Exchange Server reports covered in ARKES include:

    These reports can be generated for the following report scopes depending on the Exchange Server version: Organization, Administrative Group, Server, Routing Group and Storage Group.

    Reports – Exchange Organization Sites / Administrative Groups
  • exchange server admin reports

    Power Reports

    A business intelligence & productivity tool for power administrators to run several pre-canned reports about ever-changing information in Exchange Server environment. Requisite options to specify reports to run, report criteria, automatically export, e-mail and schedule the desired reports with minimum setup. Reports may be scheduled for export at different intervals of time – daily, monthly, weekly etc.

    Export, E-mail whole or part information about Exchange Server objects in a single task instance using the following simple steps:

    Power Administrators can run pre-canned reports at anytime
  • exchange server statistics

    Statistics Reports

    Traffic Statistics Reports: Provides various text and graphical (chart) reports based on the e-mail transaction information.

    Text and Graphical reports on e-mail transactions
  • exchange server data collection

    Data Collector

    The Data Collector collects data from the Message Tracking Log files of the Exchange Server and retrieves data for a given date range. The Data Collector provides you two options: Collect Now or Collect at Scheduled intervals.

    Data Collection – collect data instantly or schedule for later
  • exchange server mail transaction report

    Collect Now

    This feature allows you to collect and import the specified date & time of Mail transaction details, from the Message Tracking Logs, to application's database. You can collect the very latest transaction log data for New Mails, Last month Mails, Last week Mails, Last N days Mails, and Custom date mails. The Application database contains all Mail details from the time you started using the application. It is recommended that you run the 'Collect Now' option in order to generate reports based on the very latest transaction data.

    Collect the information you need from the latest transaction data
  • exchange server scheduled reporting

    Collect at Scheduled intervals

    Allows the user to create multiple Exchange Server data collection tasks, with powerful date range scope options, and finally runs them at scheduled intervals.

    Create multiple data collection tasks for different schedules
  • exchange server reporting history

    Data Collection History

    This contains data collection details from the time you started using the application. It maintains the Data Collector details separately for each server in use to update the Mail transaction status details by using the Data Collector feature.

    Maintains a history of data collected from each server
  • exchange server reporting options

    Report Delivery Options

    You can now share the reports with the respective users through export, e-mail options.

    Export Report: HTML / Comma Separated Values (CSV), MS-Excel (XLSX) file formats. Data import into Microsoft Excel for further analysis.

    E-mail Report: E-mail reports to users in the Exchange organization.

    Export reports in multiple formats or distribute reports to other users via email
  • exchange server reports search

    Report criteria / Data Filters

    Perform powerful query-based search using field names and their values. Apply data filter options to track and report only the desired information.

    Track and filter desired information
  • exchange server view reports

    Custom Report Views

    Create customized report views by selecting the desired fields for a report and save the custom report view for repetitive use.

    Modify report views to view the desired fields
  • exchange server reports filter

    Find information

    A simple string-based Find operation highlights all cells containing the string. Especially useful in determining string occurrences and their frequencies with respect to the entire displayed set of data. For example, highlight all users having "Full Control" permission in the displayed list of users and their permissions.

    Find the data you need in a report