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SharePoint Farm Reporter
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SharePoint Farm Reporter

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Does SharePoint Farm Reporter have a client application or web interface to generate reports?

SharePoint Farm Reporter requires Microsoft SharePoint Server 2013 / 2010 / 2007 to be installed locally to connect to the SharePoint Server. SharePoint Farm Reporter does not have a web interface or client application interface to generate reports. SharePoint reporting can be setup & configured once within SharePoint Farm Reporter product and the reports can be distributed to the respective SharePoint users in the following manner:

Where should I install SharePoint Farm Reporter in the SharePoint server farm?

If you are using SharePoint in a web server farm, SharePoint Farm Reporter must be installed in the front-end web server / application server running SharePoint 2007 / 2010 / 2013. For STS log file based reports, you must enable usage logging in all front-end servers for SharePoint Farm Reporter to generate the relevant reports for the corresponding web servers.

What user account does SharePoint Farm Reporter use while accessing the SQL Server?

SharePoint Farm Reporter will connect to the specified SQL Server based on authentication mode and user credential to manage its own application databases. To connect to SQL Server, SharePoint Farm Reporter uses the relevant user accounts based on the authentication mode as listed below:

Windows Authentication: SharePoint Farm Reporter uses the currently logged on user account while running Quick Reports (under interactive mode) and uses 'Run As' account while running Power Reports task to authenticate the user in SQL Server.

SQL Authentication: SharePoint Farm Reporter uses the specified SQL user account for running Quick Reports and Power Reports tasks. SharePoint Farm Reporter stores the SQL user name and password as a user profile in Stored User Names and Passwords or Credential Manager Applet for its usage. Read Profile Manager section in the application help file for more details.

How do I refresh the data for the displayed report?

SharePoint Farm Reporter stores the data in the local application database, once it gathers the data from SharePoint for the first time. SharePoint Farm Reporter displays data from the local data store until the data is refreshed. To “Refresh” data, click ‘Refresh’ from the menu/toolbar.

What permissions or privileges are required to view information about SharePoint on the server?

To view information about SharePoint, the currently logged on user must: